sector associations, Civil society organisations and Media in shaping
Tanzania’s development agenda, improving the business environment; and the
private sector’s associations, Civil society organizations, and media role in
implementing the SDGs.
Speaking at
the event Ernest Salla - UNDP, Program Specialist & Head of Inclusive
Growth and Sustainable Livelihood Pillar said “The SDGs is an ambitious agenda.
It calls for a renewed partnership to address urgent global sustainable
development challenges such as ending poverty, tackling inequality, protecting
the planet and women and girls’ empowerment. Because no single actor can
realize ambitious SDGs alone, the 2030 Agenda emphasizes the active engagement
of all key players on issues of common importance”.
Mr. Salla
highlighted that “The practical means of integrating sustainable development
priorities into business strategies and day-to-day operations can be a daunting
task. These challenges are especially pronounced for small and medium-sized
enterprises. That is why it is important to work in partnership with business
and industry associations, civil society organisations, academia and media to
accelerate corporate engagement in the sustainable development agenda. With
their extensive networks and sector-specific expertise, these entities can
serve as key platforms for sharing knowledge and know-how on integrating
development measures into corporate management by fostering partnerships,
building capacity, setting technical standards, and diffusing best
Speaking at
the event Fitsum G. Abraha – UNDP Economic Advisor “Achieving the SDGs requires
the partnership of governments, private sector, civil society, media and
citizens alike to make sure we leave a better planet for future generations.
UNDP provides support to governments to integrate the SDGs into their national
development plans and policies”.
UNDP subsequently agreed that, while the workshop provided momentum to the
private sector associations, Civil society organizations and media to discuss
and learn their major roles in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs), but opened further opportunities for collaboration with PSOs, CSOs and
Media. Through their extensive networks, PSOs, CSOs and
Media they
serve as key platforms for sharing knowledge and know-how on integrating
sustainability measures into company operations.
Speaking at
the event UNGCNT National Coordinator Mr. Emmanuel Nnko said “We are going
Scaling Up Sustainability Collaboration through showcases the contributions
that business associations, industry associations, civil society organizations
and media have made to shape a more sustainable economy and highlights the
benefits that these groups can bring to companies’ sustainability work in the
country. This will inspire business associations, civil society and media
around the country to further strengthen their efforts in this area, and inform
their members, supporters and other stakeholders of their critical contribution
to scaling up business-led sustainable development partnerships and collaboration”.
From the
private sector
of private sector associations, civil society presented concrete examples of
their organization’s contribution to advance different areas of sustainable
development, from providing a platform for discussing sustainability challenges
and identifying best practices, to developing technical guidelines and
providing trainings, and engaging in policy advocacy.
UNDP in Tanzania: Private sector development and economic growth
UNGCNT works
on engaging the private sector’s resources and expertise in boosting economic
development. Its Inclusive Business Solution initiative invites
sector to channel their resources allocated under Corporate Social
Responsibility to development projects for impact on shared economic growth.
Under the
UNDP Country Programme Document for Tanzania 2017 - 2020, UNDP is supporting
the establishment and consolidation of UN Global Compact Network Tanzania. One
of the outcomes is that the economy is increasingly transformed for greater
pro-poor inclusiveness, competitiveness and increased opportunities for decent
and productive employment.
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